Sunday, June 30, 2019

Sibling relationships taken for granted

Relationships with brothers and sisters are the longest relationships of our lives. Often times we take these relationships for granted. My two brothers passed away just 3 days apart. They both have chronic kidney disease and undergoing dialysis for years. Days would pass without me thinking of them yet since their death, I think of them every single day. I was so busy working and taking care of my own everyday struggles that I forgot to think of my brothers who are struggling with illness. I tried to help them the best way I thought I can but now I've realized I could've done more. Life is short and for people with illness, life is shorter. We exchange calls and chat messages regularly and sometimes I spent time with them during special occasions and weekend lunches or dinners and I thought that was enough. Often times I was in a hurry to go back home. I was spending my time with them but at the back of my mind I was thinking of work and other things. But since they died, I always stop and think that I should've stayed longer, I could've given more and I would've made life easier for them - BUT I DIDN'T! The hardest part is that you can only realize things when you can no longer do anything to correct it.

People say that everything in life happens for a reason, no matter how hard, painful or unfair it may be, something better will always come out of it. I may find this hard to believe right now but I trust that God will help me get through this most difficult time in my life. 

We should always remember, it is important to celebrate these relationships we have with people in our lives and honor these relationships every day while we still can. We may be able to move on with our lives after the death of our loved ones but we won't be able to get over regret.

If you are fortunate enough to have on-going relationships with your siblings, savour them, stay close, and make the most out of each opportunity you have to spend time with them. Relationships are impermanent and can’t be taken for granted.


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