Monday, May 25, 2020

Unbiased Review of Essential Oil Brands

My family and friends would know this, about 3-4 years ago I was diagnosed with a herniated disc and sciatica and this has caused nerve damage resulting to RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome). With this RLS, I would wake up in the middle of the night and won't be able to go back to sleep anymore or at least stay up for hours before I could finally get to doze off. There is a medication or maintenance for this of course but I don't want to rely on it like on a daily basis so I just take it when it's really, really needed. So most days I would just try to walk it off which would lessen the discomfort but still hard to go back to sleep. Because of this, a friend of mine asked me to try essential oils and so I did. I have been a Young Living member for almost a year now and so far it's been good. I love the smell of my room every time I diffuse these oils and it relaxes me. Most of YL oils are said to be great for beauty and skin purposes but that is not my priority at this time and so I mostly use them for massage and aromatherapy. Although I use a drop of YL's Lavender in my lotion. Anyway, aside from my RLS, I also have headaches and dizziness from time to time and my go-to oil for that is YL's Peppermint which really helps in some way because its scent is very strong but relaxing. I also have shoulder and back pains and sometimes a stiffed neck and I use YL's Deep Relief Roll On for that. It doesn't relieve the pain to be honest but somehow it relaxes me.  Now here's the clincher! My husband dared me to use other essential oil brands and he bought me different oils from Doterra, Plant Therapy, Edens Garden and RMO. I think this is great because it will give you the opportunity to check which is the best oil in the market today. So far, when it comes to diffusing, YL is by far the best one. Tried to diffuse Doterra's Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint (LLP) and I have to put a lot more oils in the diffuser to get to smell the scent. Doterra may have the same scent as that with YL's LLP but not that strong for diffusing. Edens Garden's Eucalyptus Globulus and Peppermint is okay to diffuse, you can somehow feel the menthol-like feel in the air, although when you use it for massage, the scent is not as good as that with YL's but you can still get the same cold feeling on your skin or when inhaling it. BUT, here's the big reveal! The Rapid Relief Roll On of Plant Therapy definitely works for me. It does relieve minor aches and pains unlike YL's Deep Relief. Although, the pain does go back and so you just have to reapply it which is okay at least the pain/discomfort goes away. I have tried YL's Panaway before and to be honest I can't remember if it did help with my pains but I have used up all of it from last year so I guess I better reorder to test it again.

I have yet to see any oil for my sleep problem though, Lavender didn't work for me as well as Vetiver. Also tried the Sleep Aid Synergy from Plant Therapy which have great reviews but didn't work for me either. So still on the look out for that one!

Please take note when it works for ME, there is a possibility that it may or may not work for you okay! This is my own opinion guys and I am not in anyway marketing these brands, I just want to share my oiling experience.

Unbiased Review of Essential Oil Brands

My family and friends would know this, about 3-4 years ago I was diagnosed with a herniated disc and sciatica and this has caused nerve dam...