Friday, August 16, 2019

Going gaga over essential oils

I have read and heard from friends about essential oils for years now but I haven't really tried it until recently. I bought a starter kit from a well known essential oil company and I was really curious as to what it could give me health-wise. Lately I have been having sleep issues and so I bought these oils hoping that it would help me get a normal sleep pattern. The very first time I used it, honestly it didn't make any difference. Whenever I feel a minor pain on my shoulder, neck or even just a headache, I put some oil and somehow it relaxes me. Although, I must admit that it is also possible that I am just experiencing what they called as "placebo effect." This is more like a person's belief of a certain product  or even a drug which would therefore make them feel better. This is often times given to a person having anxiety attacks. Doctors give them a placebo drug/shot and then suddenly they feel better but in fact the drug/shot given to them was just nothing or just saline water for example. 

I diffuse essential oils in my room daily but I cannot really say if it did help uplift my mood or lessen my stress at that time. But one time, I tried Raven oil specifically for my son who is starting to have a cough and he liked the smell of it when I put it on his chest and throat and would even ask me to put some before he goes to sleep and amazingly his cough didn't progress. That is definitely not a placebo effect. I also put Digize oil on my daughter's tummy since she's having bloating issues and constipation but I also had her drink Yakult daily so I'm not sure which one helped her haha! But for sure when I put oil on her tummy, somehow it helped ease the pain. I also tried mixing oils to be applied topically to help me with my daily stresses and somehow it calms me so again that maybe a placebo!

Please don't get me wrong, I am not promoting these essential oils in any way. I just want you to know my experience and maybe it could help you decide if you want to use it as well. But overall, it does help. Placebo or not, it still works!

Unbiased Review of Essential Oil Brands

My family and friends would know this, about 3-4 years ago I was diagnosed with a herniated disc and sciatica and this has caused nerve dam...